11 days to go

Hello again

Sorry for the lack of updates. I am coming up to my final final exam hand in date and the library has been my home over the last few days. I have managed to fit some biking in recently. I have had my heated gloves and socks fitted thanks to Bernie and I have tested the bike out on a medium length journey. Apart from a few screen realted wind problems, everything seems good.(touch wood)

I have booked the bike in for a service so it will be ready for the big trip a week on Saturday.

I have also had some more sponsorship and am getting closer to my target of £1000. A kind family who have also been helped by Cerebra have now sponsored me and have also agreed to come to the starting line which will be brill!

I'll have an early start on day two as the ferry is now booked and I leave the UK at 8.15am and head across the water to Calais to start the trek.

Robbie and I have been in the local paper again which is good. Click on this link to view it - https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0Bxx-UawKUM6KNDQ0M2E0OWItMDQ3Ny00YTI2LThiOGUtYTNmYjU2NTQ1YmQz&hl=en&authkey=CIiO8I4K or copy and paste it into your browser.

That's all for now. I will be in touch soon.

Ride Safe



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