Colin Brewer - Local Councillor

Hey all,

I know that it's not a Sunday, but if any of you have seen me chatting on twitter (@arcticride2014) or read my previous blog post, you will be aware that I have been looking into a situation which has caused outrage in Cornwall. Now, I know that some of you are probably thinking.. 'but you don't live in Cornwall', but this is something which affects any family that has a sibling or child with special needs or in fact anyone who has a heart!

The facts - According to press, an independent councillor by the name of Colin Brewer said to Theresa Court, a lady who works for Disability Cornwall, whilst manning a stall at the County Hall in Truro in October 2011 and I quote:

"disabled children cost the council too much money and should be put down"

This is a disgusting comment which was said with disabled children and their families within earshot. He was the elected local councillor at the time and in charge of budgets, including those that affect disabled children.

Theresa made a complaint and Brewer was ordered to write an apology. He obliged, a year and a half after the incident and sent it second class and folded into 8 pieces.

If you would like to read more about this and what Theresa said about the incident please click on the link below:

It appears that Brewer resigned around late February 2013 after this incident was highly publicised. So, you may wonder why I am talking about this now..

Well... he stood again for election on May 2nd 2013 and was once again elected as local councillor. I understand that this was by 4 votes! Since this date, there has been an e-petition set up Please all sign this.

There was a peaceful protest at the Council buildings today (8th May 2013) with what looked like a good turnout and the Council had arranged a meeting with Brewer for today. However, he is now on the sick and so did not attend this meeting.

I feel that the right thing for him to do would be to resign and not be allowed to stand for public election in the future.

I cannot put into words how this comment has left me feeling. My little brother is not a drain on funding. My mum and our family cares for him. He does not use respite, carers or have any particular help from social services and yet Brewer would have had him 'put down.' Families who do need help should be entitled to it and maybe people like Brewer should walk a day in the shoes of families and carers before making such comments. He does not appreciate how much time and energy is taken up in caring for vulnerable children and ensuring that their needs are met.

I feel that we need to stick up for children like my little brother and the thousands or millions of other children and adults with special needs as they may not all have their own voice. We live in a country that protects its citizens through the Human Rights Act and I feel that this is not being respected by allowing him to continue to remain as a councillor.

As well as signing the e-petition I would welcome others views on this and any suggestions of what can be done in a peaceful and legal way. I will be writing to Esther McVey, Minister for Disabled People to ask for her support. I appreciate that others may have already done this but I figure that another letter may assist. :)

I will keep you all up to date with things and matters as they progress.

Ride Safe

Gordon and Kirsty (my wife)

(my wife helped with the research and writing of this article and I appreciate her help)


  1. Thank you for 'getting it'. Much love from Cornwall, H x

  2. Hi Gordon and Kirsty, read your post and wanted to say I agree with your feelings towards Colin Brewer, but spotted something in your article that I wanted to challenge. You noted that your brother is not 'a drain on funding' but still incurs Colin Brewers wrath ~ my son IS a drain on funding ~ many long and complex surgeries, expensive drugs, special school, hoists fitted in my home etc HOWEVER surely the point is that even so, this is not sufficient reason for Colin Brewer's attitude. I don't know if I have explained this very well, but I hope it's understandable!
    Take care

    1. Hi Lucas,

      Thank you for your comments.

      From our point of view we believe that the needs of all children should be met and disagree wholeheartedly with Colin Brewer’s views that disabled children are a 'drain on funding'. We meant to put this in inverted commas in the article as it’s something that supports his viewpoint and not ours. The main point is that funding should be made available to those in need, such as your son, which Mr Brewer clearly doesn’t agree with.

      Although it’s unclear what your son's disability is, if it’s a neurological condition it may be worth contacting Cerebra (, if you haven't already, as they may be able to assist in improving your son's quality of life? They certainly helped my brother out with plenty of things :)

      Let us know if you need help with anything else.


      Gordon and Kirsty Stuart

  3. It’s sad but true that one day you can be fit and well and in the blink of an eye all in your life can change.
    One evening I was out walking with the dog when I slipped on black ice , it was 6 weeks before I could walk and I still feel it now 3 years later
    And my friend Tim went into hospital for a operation and suffered circulation collapse and they had to amputate both of his feet ( lets hope that does not happen to Mr Brewer)

    This man Mr Brewer should hope and pray that he does not suffer a life changing event if he does I hope and expect that he uses his own rules and ends his life ( I can send him some pills ) as he puts it he would not want to be a drain on funding or will he have a change of heart when its his life .

    It’s a funny old world Mr Brewer you should keep looking over your shoulder from now on just in case this life changing event is coming up behind you ??? Lets see how fast you can out run it ???
    Good luck you might just need it

    Brian Stuart


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