Day Nine - Eagle Shields Bay

Hi everyone,

It's day 3 for me in Ornskoldsvik which translates directly into Eagle Shields Bay in English. Now I can assure you its not much like North Shields or Whitley Bay and I haven't found an eagle yet but I have found some things to pass the time. One being the 10km drive from the campsite to the town centre with some lovely roads. Shame the bike is sitting in a garage because he would love them. I also revisited burger king and tried out their 'big meal' which appears to be a small to regular sized cheese burger meal at best. I've also had a look around some electrical shops as they were the only thing open in town. I also managed to find a cinema with a daily showing of both xmen and the new pirates film. To pass some time I opted to watch Johnny Depp and his pals in a two and a half hour sitting. The best bit of the whole experience was getting to the screen and counting that there were only 30 seats in the whole place... not quite the uci.

Sorry there isn't much else to report and for any spelling errors. I'm blogging from my smartphone at the moment as the laptop has decided it doesn't like Swedish WiFi.

As for donations we are now above £1,100 so looks like its reindeer meat for me tomorrow. But please keep them coming and spread the word.

Let's hope tomorrow is my last night here and I can get back to what this trip is about. Riding my bike.

Ride safe,

Gordo xx


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